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March I believe 6th marks the 15th anniversary of the passing of Mrs. She was a pioneer and far ahead of her time. One could only imagine the empire she could have built had she been a little younger and had the chance to see the Internet blossom as it has. In her own words from an early incarnation of her website that too she was early on, or so. From her long golden hair, hour-glass figure, red pouty lips, and fine silk lingerie, hosiery, corsets, heels, and leathers, she was both a classic sex symbol as well as a role model for ultra femininity. Add to that her clear British lineage, accent, and protocols, and she was for some and adventure and fantasy all rolled into one. This is where the twist comes in - the throng of admirers and dreamers who were drawn to her wanted something different - They wanted her to rub off and guide them down a road to frills and lace. Her "House of Enforced Feminisation" became a destination and dream for those who liked to slip into lingerie and be a different gender, if only for a little while. Her specialty was most definitely sissy maids and she most definitely was the Lady of the manor being waited on and "correcting" these wayward servants. Even in her late 50s and early 60s, she was irresistible. She had style and panache. While I cannot identify her lingerie, she often was adorned in leathers by Versace and Jitrois - two designers not surprisingly, known for blending power and femininity. Both Gianni and Jean-Claude seemed to channel the feminine power and indeed, create looks that could bring men to their knees. I never was fortunate to meet or converse with her. Had I lived in the UK or had she lived in the US, she likely would have been a temptation too hard to resist.

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Slave Training. Since the pictures do not do it justice, let me elaborate on the first image which is so demonstrative of her creativity and expression. Eye Colour Blue. Smokes No. She brought forth a vision, a fantasy, and tapped into a core desire hidden so deeply in pampering mistress silk men and made it manifest. Forced Bi. Miss Alice Silk. Feel free to take a deep dive into one of my favorite images of her of all time and what it brings forth in me - It can be found at Mrs. Bust Size. Hair Colour. There are no same day appointments to be had. Wax Play, pampering mistress silk. Eye Colour.

NO same day appointments.

  • Rising from the platform in the rear is a firm and solid wooden post.
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Rising from the platform in the rear is a firm and solid wooden post. United Kingdom. Wax Play. Height inches. Hair Pampering mistress silk Very Long. She has been deeply missed. In her own words from an early incarnation of her website that too she was early on, or so. Small deposit required, pampering mistress silk. Bust Size 34DD. Foot Size UK 6.

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No invasive plastic surgery. Eye Colour Blue. United Kingdom, pampering mistress silk. Thank you in advance for your understanding. These images were curated by myself that I wanted to show not only her style but amazing beauty. West Pampering mistress silk Mistresses. Sessions available 11am to 9pm weekdays and over weekends. Miss Alice Silk of London. You get what you see. Foot Size UK 6. She loved feminizing men.

Hard Sports. Double Domme. March I believe 6th marks the 15th anniversary of the passing of Mrs.

Seeking Images I Like Desires. Eye Colour Blue. Add to that her clear British lineage, accent, and protocols, and she was for some and adventure and fantasy all rolled into one. Slave Training. Best I can tell, she passed in from a battle with breast cancer, though her site continued for a decade more still releasing photosets and pampering mistress silk from her legacy. Face Slapping. Corporal Punishment Heavy. Whether it was the power she could illicit over them, or the transformation and release of allowing some to be whom and what they yearned to be, it was her world, and to be in it, one had to embrace femininity. There are no same day appointments to be had. Her passing left a void that may never be filled. No airbrushing, pampering mistress silk. Since the pictures do not do it pampering mistress silk, let me elaborate on the first image which is so demonstrative of Podkładki Akuku A0500 creativity and expression. Her "House of Enforced Feminisation" became a destination and dream for those who liked to slip into lingerie and be a different gender, if only for a little while. Wax Play. While I cannot identify her lingerie, she often was adorned in leathers by Versace and Jitrois - two designers not surprisingly, known for blending power and femininity. Foot Size UK 6. Corporal Punishment Mild, pampering mistress silk.

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