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By wettums , May 10, in Story and Art Forum. I will be starting a new story. Cute Baby 18 posts. Fulldiaper 3 posts. Phantom 4 posts. May 10, Chapter 3: Madison pushed him against some lockers that made a loud clang, she then proceeded to walk away. Terri couldn't help it, he had to stare at her back side as she walked even though he f.

Sissy humialation school pampers. Welcome to Adult Baby Diaper School

Madison's blond hair was put up into two pigtails and then decorated with a pink ribbon. The students exited the class and Kieren and Christian walked together to where they usually hung out. Story Time - Page Terri was still stroking himself. I wet the bed sissy humialation school pampers last two days, sissy humialation school pampers. Another great chapter, keep up the good work. Comments: optional. Chapter 9: Terri tried to struggle against the girls but they dragged him away with force often making threats about pushing him into one of the classrooms wearing only his pink plastic panties and szampon z jantara, or they threatened to tie him to the lockers and leave him there, these words made Terri comply with their every wish. The verification email was resent. The nurse squirted a generous amount of baby oil into her hand as she then began to wipe it all over Terri's diaper area, the smell of baby oil and the women's perfume, along with a female touch him in his most intimate places produced the erection that made Terri feel even MORE humiliated than he was. Ohh ms madison i have video of your daughter bullying students i mean it would be a shame for her to be kicked out of school because of this may we punish her for her actions. Color Copiers found here, sissy humialation school pampers. He gulped as he tried to assert his power over them. Terri finished the forth and he could start to feel his bladder beginning to hit the breaking point. As he sissy humialation school pampers his pants and undies down he blushed intensely as he saw the mess he had made in his undies.

He hoped beyond hoped that she was busy and couldn't see him.

  • A very surprising Epilogue but one never knows where a story is going until it is over.
  • These girls at school, they gave me
  • When we arrived at the 1st grade I started to protest.
  • He shuttered when he remembered what they did to him, forcing him to masturbate in the showers as they laughed and taunted him, changing his diaper in front of everyone.
  • Madison could see the red in Terri's face, and it wasn't just him blushing anymore.
  • Terri jumped alittle as she gripped his penis in her hand.

Recover Password? Sign Up! The Latest Activity. Random Chat. The Image Gallery. The Latest Topics. Forum Topics. Sissy Dating. Sissy Kiss Boutique. Feminization Guide. Advertise On SK. Site Rules. The official time to show up in the chat is 8pm Eastern Time. FantaSissy Dating. Find your special someone who loves the same things you do! Join over 1.

Jenny came up from behind and picked up the sodden diaper with two pinched fingers and held it away from he like it was the plauge, sissy humialation school pampers. He meant to make it to his first period when he rushed by the girl's bathroom and felt several pairs of hands suddenly grab him and pull him in much to his scared surprise. Smith opened the car door pushed Terri forward. Click sissy humialation school pampers for details! The next feel Terri had wasn't pleasant, he felt a hard slap to his backside.

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I could have looked past that. She stopped when he thought that he had been cleaned enough and grabbed him by the hand and led him from the tub out into bedroom. Christian wondered exactly why they were bringing him here. With my back turned to the kids my bowls let loose, sissy humialation school pampers. Terri looked up utterly surprised. He gulped as he tried to assert his power over them. Christian just said nothing and headed to the Nurse's office with the girls. Terri gave a groan as he knew that Madison had already planned some horriable punishments for him, even if he did pampers premoum care everything she said. He opened it slowly, making sure it didn't creak, and peaked out of his room to see if anyone was there. Not one to refuse a job she accepted. And tell them what you just did. I may have something that may make you feel better. Terri could feel Ms. He let loose a muffled cry as Mrs. Terri couldn't take it, he sissy humialation school pampers he was about to explode as Mrs.

Oscar, who preferred to called Master Pain is dressed in the stereotypical Leather Master outfit, sissy humialation school pampers, and seems a little out of place in a room that is decorated in an ultra-feminine style. It was then that he spotted two mothers walking side by side with two strollers getting closer. Well I really got to be getting back Ms. Hope this continues!

He hadn't imagined this happening, but the maternal vibe was With the diaper change Terri had completely forgot about his aunt Kimberly, she was going to be so angry with him when he got home. She was really upset with him and he didn't want to make it worst. Principle Fields was looking in a book with her back to them. Posted July 30, Then sissy humialation school pampers more pain, because I sissy humialation school pampers prissy princesses like you don't like pain, sissy humialation school pampers. Don't have an account yet? Ditto, such an awsome story and when it was continued on sissykiss. Posted June 23rd, ~ pm. Christian needed to do whatever he could to save his pride, so he charged at Tess again and this time swung at her head. He felt like they were scheming something, and he wanted nothing to do with their schemes. Terri knew she was walking slowly on purpose, being so attractive in a school full of hormones, she knew that despite his diapered state and the humiliation that she had forced on him, there was no way Terri could have taken his eyes off her tight backside as it swayed side to side in her loose fitting skirt. A text message with your code has been sent to: An email with the verification code has been sent to: Use the 6 digit code sent to your two-factor authentication app. Fear shot within him. Much to Terri's dismay another women stood and laughed with them, sissy humialation school pampers. The girls fell about laughing at him. That's embarrassing

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